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Debt Cartoons

Below is a sampling of recent Debt cartoons from the archive. To view and license Debt images, follow the links on this page.

Debt Cartoon

Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland walk dusty trail of growth strategy - Color

Debt Cartoon

Polls make Justin Trudeau disappear over his economic relief plan - Color

Debt Cartoon

Liberal government legacy is red ink - Color

Debt Cartoon

Chrystia Freeland considers Canada Post properties for housing development - Color

Debt Cartoon

Chrystia Freeland waits for dead money tree to bloom - Color

Debt Cartoon

Chrystia Freeland gives coin to Canada being crushed by 'cost of living' - Color

Debt Cartoon

Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland raise debt levels to infinity and beyond - Color

Debt Cartoon

Chrystia Freeland thinks Justin Trudeau's housing budget looks good on paper - Color
Related Topics: debt (illustration), bank, banking, bankrupt, bankruptcy, borrow, cash advance, consumer credit, consumer debt, credit, credit card, credit card fraud, credit rating, debtor, deficit, finance, interest rate, loan, payday loan, personal finance, student loan
Debt images and more. The archive is updated daily and displays thousands of stock cartoons, political cartoons, caricatures and illustrations from the world's top creators. Search our archive or contact our Dial-an-Artist service to request a custom Debt cartoon, Debt caricature or Debt illustration - created to your exact specifications.

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