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Income Tax Cartoons

Below is a sampling of recent Income Tax cartoons from the archive. To view and license Income Tax images, follow the links on this page.

Income Tax Cartoon

Easter bunny overwhelmed doing taxes after holiday

Income Tax Cartoon

Grandfather asked to describe life before big corporations and deficits - Color

Income Tax Cartoon

Couple recommended to complete complex tax form or drop out of society - Color

Income Tax Cartoon

American would be happier if he could audit IRS spending - Color

Income Tax Cartoon

IRS is counting on Americans to bailout country's deficit spending - Color

Income Tax Cartoon

Committee on Taxation can't fool everyone but it can tax them - Color

Income Tax Cartoon

Joe Schmoe asks IRS for same tax break given to big corporations - Color

Income Tax Cartoon

IRS hopes for many happy 'returns' this Christmas - Color
Related Topics: income tax (illustration), corporate tax, HST, income, IRS, property tax, Revenue Canada, rising tax, tax, tax bill, tax cut, tax department, taxation, taxpayer
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