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Office Worker Cartoons

Below is a sampling of recent Office Worker cartoons from the archive. To view and license Office Worker images, follow the links on this page.

Office Worker Cartoon

Company's non-human resources department is run by robots - Color

Office Worker Cartoon

Cheap company charges employees money for suggestions - Color

Office Worker Cartoon

Simple-minded executive wants secretary to spin his chair - Color

Office Worker Cartoon

Human employee gets punished for sitting in chair at dog-run company - Color

Office Worker Cartoon

Vacationing businessman uses vending machine to hear office sounds - Color

Office Worker Cartoon

Human employee was caught licking his balls at dog-run company - Color

Office Worker Cartoon

Businessman forced into retirement pawns company gold watch at bar - Color

Office Worker Cartoon

CEO replaces company's suggestion box with toaster - Color
Related Topics: office worker (illustration), advancement, boss, business, business meeting, casual Friday, ceo, company, cubicle, desk, employer, executive, interview, management, manager, new job, occupation, office, personnel, personnel department, salary, secretary, skilled worker, small business, staff, stress, strike, union, wage, work, worker
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