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USA Election Cartoons

Below is a sampling of recent USA Election cartoons from the archive. To view and license USA Election images, follow the links on this page.

USA Election Cartoon

Americans move to Canada to escape the Trump chaos - Color

USA Election Cartoon

Republicans study 'winning elections' while juggling unpopular policies - Color

USA Election Cartoon

If elected, Donald Trump will use U.S. Mint for personal use - Color

USA Election Cartoon

Nebraska Republican puppet introduces 'winner take all' electoral system - Color

USA Election Cartoon

Joe Biden and Donald Trump abandon wheelchairs before finishing campaigns - Color

USA Election Cartoon

Donald Trump swears in court on bible he sells - Color

USA Election Cartoon

Flat-earther Donald Trump uses darkness of eclipse to rest - Color

USA Election Cartoon

Flat-earther Trump pretends to read bible - Color
Related Topics: USA election (illustration), 2008 election, Barack Obama, caucus, Democratic Party, George W. Bush, Joe Biden, John Reid Edwards, Mitt Romney, pollster, primary, primary election, Sarah Palin, smear, smear ad, smear advertisement, State caucus, state election, undecided voter, USA, USA Congress, USA editorial, USA political, USA Senate, USA textbook, voter suppression
USA elections and more. The archive is updated daily and displays thousands of stock cartoons, political cartoons, caricatures and illustrations from the world's top creators. Search our archive or contact our Dial-an-Artist service to request a custom USA Election cartoon, USA Election caricature or USA Election illustration - created to your exact specifications.

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