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US Political Cartoons

Below is a sampling of recent US Political cartoons from the archive. To view and license US Political images, follow the links on this page.

US Political Cartoon

Red States restaurant force anti-abortion laws down customers' throats - Color

US Political Cartoon

Old man Biden goes on unintelligible rant about defending Democracy - Color

US Political Cartoon

Donald Trump accuses truth, justice and integrity of being bias against him - Color

US Political Cartoon

Joe Biden stops Benjamin Netanyahu from stopping Iran's nuclear program - Color

US Political Cartoon

Fetus in Florida has a right to life - Color

US Political Cartoon

Donald Trump position on abortion is tossed in garbage - Color

US Political Cartoon

Debris from International Space Station hits home in Florida - Color

US Political Cartoon

Trump wants to be awake for swimsuit competition of jury selection - Color
Related Topics: US political (illustration), Democratic Party, George Bush Sr., Republican Party, US, US crime, US economy, US editorial, US politics, US president
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