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World War II Cartoons

Below is a sampling of recent World War II cartoons from the archive. To view and license World War II images, follow the links on this page.

World War II Cartoon

Justin Trudeau digs a hole to lower flag below ground level - Color

World War II Cartoon

A grateful young man meets a veteran on Remembrance Day - Color

World War II Cartoon

Remember our veterans this year, wear a mask - Color

World War II Cartoon

Image of WWI soldier for Remembrance Day - Color

World War II Cartoon

Child pays respect to fallen soldiers - Color

World War II Cartoon

Vera Lynn passes away and meets Winston Churchill - Color

World War II Cartoon

Churchill statue wears mask on VE Day in time of coronavirus - Color

World War II Cartoon

What Veteran's Day means to most people today - Color
Related Topics: World War II (illustration), Adolf Hitler, allies, Canadian military, coalition forces, Geneva Convention, Germany, history, holocaust, invasion, poppy, war, world war, World War 2, World War Two, WWII
World War II images and more. The archive is updated daily and displays thousands of stock cartoons, political cartoons, caricatures and illustrations from the world's top creators. Search our archive or contact our Dial-an-Artist service to request a custom World War II cartoon, World War II caricature or World War II illustration - created to your exact specifications.

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